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        لكم كل الاحترام

        # Magazine name publisher ISSN type URL Scopus country
        101 Communication Today University of SS. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Mass Media Communication 1338-130X Journal www Q2 Slovak Republic
        102 Cuadernos de Gestion Asia Business Research Corporation 11316837 Journal www Q2 Spain
        103 Publishing Research Quarterly Springer US 1053-8801 Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        104 Service Science INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 21643962 Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        105 Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences Wiley-Blackwell 0825-0383 Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        106 Journal of Macromarketing SAGE Publications Inc. 0276-1467 Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        107 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology Wiley-Blackwell 1546542X Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        108 Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations IGI Publishing 1539-2937 Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        109 Journal of Food Products Marketing Routledge 1045-4446 Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        110 Foundations and Trends in Marketing Now Publishers Inc 1352-2752 Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        111 Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research Institute of Eastern Europe and Central Asia 2328-8272 Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        112 Social Marketing Quarterly SAGE Publications Inc. 1524-5004 Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        113 Journal of the Association for Consumer Research University of Chicago Press 23781815 Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        114 Health Marketing Quarterly Routledge 0735-9683 Journal www Q2 The United States of America
        115 Agricultural and Resource Economics Institute of Eastern European Research and Consulting 2414-584X Journal www Q2 Ukraine
        116 Journal of Consumer Marketing Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 0736-3761 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        117 International Journal of Integrated Supply Management Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 1477-5360 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        118 Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2042-678X Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        119 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1751-8040 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        120 International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1750-6123 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        121 Journal of High Technology Management Research Elsevier B.V. 1047-8310 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        122 Marketing Theory SAGE Publications Ltd 14705931 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        123 International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1464-6668 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        124 Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1083-5601 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        125 Journal of Social Marketing Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2042-6763 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        126 Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1471-5201 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        127 Journal of Promotion Management Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1049-6491 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        128 Cogent Business and Management Cogent OA 2331-1975 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        129 Qualitative Market Research Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1352-2752 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        130 Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management Taylor and Francis Ltd. 08853134 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        131 Revista de Gestao Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1809-2276 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        132 Transnational Marketing Journal Transnational Press London Ltd. 2041-4684 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        133 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1069-6679 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        134 Communication Research and Practice Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2206-3374 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        135 Baltic Journal of Management Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1746-5265 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        136 Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing Routledge 1049-5142 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        137 European Journal of Marketing Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 0309-0566 Journal www Q2 United Kingdom
        138 RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administracao de Empresas de Sao Paulo 0034-7590 Journal www Q3 Brazil
        139 Trziste University of Zagreb 0353-4790 Journal www Q3 Croatia
        140 International Journal of Marketing Semiotics and Discourse Studies University of Kassel 21952280 Journal www Q3 Germany
        141 Marketing, Zeitschrift fur Forschung und Praxis C.H.BECK 0344-1369 Journal www Q3 Germany
        142 WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society 1109-9526 Journal www Q3 Greece
        143 Indian Journal of Marketing Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 0973-8703 Journal www Q3 India
        144 Jordan Journal of Business Administration University of Jordan,Deanship of Scientific Research 1815-8633 Journal www Q3 Jordan
        145 Journal of Distribution Science Korea Distribution Science Association (KODISA) 1738-3110 Journal www Q3 Korea
        146 Journal of International Logistics and Trade Jungseok Research Institute of International Logistics and Trade 1738-2122 Journal www Q3 Korea
        147 DLSU Business and Economics Review De la Salle University 0116-7111 Journal www Q3 Philippines
        148 Real Estate Management and Valuation De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2300-5289 Journal www Q3 Poland
        149 Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia Sciendo 1730-4237 Journal www Q3 Poland
        150 Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia Sciendo 1730-4237 Journal www Q3 Poland