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        لكم كل الاحترام

        # Magazine name publisher ISSN type URL Scopus country
        1 Electronic Markets Springer Verlag 1019-6781 Journal www Q1 Germany
        2 Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Services Marketing International Hellenic University 2529-1947 Journal www Q1 Greece
        3 Public Relations Review Elsevier B.V. 0363-8111 Journal www Q1 Netherlands
        4 Journal of Innovation and Knowledge Elsevier B.V. 2444-569X Journal www Q1 Netherlands
        5 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Elsevier B.V. 15674223 Journal www Q1 Netherlands
        6 Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights Elsevier B.V. 2666-9579 Journal www Q1 Netherlands
        7 International Journal of Research in Marketing Elsevier B.V. 0167-8116 Journal www Q1 Netherlands
        8 Fashion and Textiles Springer Singapore 2198-0802 Journal www Q1 Singapore
        9 European Research on Management and Business Economics European Academy of Management and Business Economics 2444-8834 Journal www Q1 Spain
        10 Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2444-9695 Journal www Q1 Spain
        11 Journal of Marketing Analytics Springer International Publishing AG 2050-3318 Journal www Q1 Switzerland
        12 International Journal of Design National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 1991-3761 Journal www Q1 Taiwan
        13 American Review of Public Administration SAGE Publications Inc. 02750740 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        14 Academy of Management Perspectives Academy of Management 15589080 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        15 Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing Routledge 1054-8408 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        16 Journal of Marketing for Higher Education Routledge 0884-1241 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        17 Journal of Business Research Elsevier Inc. 01482963 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        18 ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2167-8375 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        19 AMS Review Springer New York 1869814X Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        20 Journal of Global Marketing Routledge 0891-1762 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        21 Journal of Consumer Psychology John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1057-7408 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        22 Journal of International Marketing American Marketing Association 1069-031X Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        23 Journal of Marketing Education SAGE Publications Inc. 0273-4753 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        24 Journal of Global Marketing Routledge 0891-1762 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        25 Journal of World Business Elsevier Inc. 1090-9516 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        26 Administration and Society SAGE Publications Inc. 00953997 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        27 Public Relations Inquiry SAGE Publications Inc. 2046-147X Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        28 Journal of Advertising M.E. Sharpe Inc. 0091-3367 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        29 Journal of Relationship Marketing Routledge 15332667 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        30 Psychology and Marketing Wiley-Liss Inc. 07426046 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        31 Journal of Marketing American Marketing Association 0022-2429 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        32 Marketing Letters Springer New York 0923-0645 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        33 Industrial Marketing Management Elsevier Inc. 0019-8501 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        34 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer New York 0092-0703 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        35 Consumption Markets and Culture Routledge 1025-3866 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        36 Journal of Interactive Marketing SAGE Publications Inc. 10949968 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        37 Journal of Marketing Research American Marketing Association 0022-2437 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        38 Journal of International Consumer Marketing Routledge 0896-1530 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        39 Journal of Political Marketing Routledge 1537-7857 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        40 Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management Routledge 1936-8623 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        41 Journal of Public Policy and Marketing American Marketing Association 0743-9156 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        42 Marketing Science INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 0732-2399 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        43 Journal of Supply Chain Management Wiley-Blackwell 1523-2409 Journal www Q1 The United States of America
        44 Banks and Bank Systems Business Perspectives 1816-7403 Journal www Q1 Ukraine
        45 Insurance Markets and Companies LLC CPC Business Perspectives 2522-9591 Journal www Q1 Ukraine
        46 Innovative Marketing LLC CPC Business Perspectives 1814-2427 Journal www Q1 Ukraine
        47 Knowledge and Performance Management LLC CPC Business Perspectives 2543-5507 Journal www Q1 Ukraine
        48 Journal of Consumer Research Oxford University Press 0093-5301 Journal www Q1 United Kingdom
        49 South Asian Journal of Business Studies Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2398-628X Journal www Q1 United Kingdom
        50 Public Administration Review Wiley-Blackwell 0033-3352 Journal www Q1 United Kingdom