
To the soul of my mother, who is absent from my eyes and present in my heart and conscience. O God, forgive her, have mercy on her, mak the highest paradise her abode and unite me with her, the Lord of the worlds

Online consumer behaviour


 The purpose of this book is to explain the scientific and practical aspects that follow in the field of studying consumer behavior in the light of the development and expansion of electronic marketing operations. The stages of development of consumer behavior and the factors influencing it are considered. The main attention is paid to the theory of development and historical formation of marketing models and consumer behavior, and the main trends in the development of consumer behavior are identified within the influence of innovative Internet technologies that have led to a change in the level of modern ideas about electronic marketing. The advantages of applying innovations and Internet technologies to consumer behavior and their satisfaction are also explained. The organizational foundations of the formation of the concept of electronic marketing are revealed, taking into account their impact on the consumer. The influence of social networks on consumer behavior is determined. The main trends in the development of electronic markets, their advantages and disadvantages, their impact on consumer behavior are substantiated, with an emphasis on explaining consumer rights in the light of the expansion of electronic marketing operations, which provides the necessary protection for the consumer in the vast electronic space, allowing him to conduct safe marketing operations.

We hope that university students, postgraduates, educational institutions and business people will benefit from the main results of this work and that this book will become a reference for studying the theoretical foundations of consumer behavior on the Internet.

Pray for my mother's mercy and forgiveness